How do I order a new ADSL Service?

To apply for a new Adsl service you need to have an active Telkom line (non-prepaid) & a router. You can obtain a router from AtService.

  1. Apply for a new Adsl service by ordering from or email or by telephone.
  2. You will need to sign a Debit order form unless you have done so already.
  3. Give notice with your old Service provider (if applicable). Template here

We will handle the Adsl Line transfer process. You only need to cancel the Data (Gigs) with your service provider

  • Transfer of Adsl lines takes 2-3 working days.
  • Application for a new Adsl service takes 1-6weeks and is subject to Ports availabillity at the local exchange.
  • Your Adsl Data account (which provides Gigs for surfing) can be created on the same day you apply
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