How to whitelist an email address with Gmail

How to whitelist an email address with Gmail


Why you are not receiving email

Mail services like Gmail, and Yahoo! Mail often lbock email on your behalf using rules that identify possible unwanted 
email or malicious email such as scams, spam and phising. In some cases like this one they are wrongly identifying an email that you want for email you don't want.

To solve this you need to ask you email provider to Whitelist the email address to ensure that it get's through.

How to whitelist an email address with Gmail

Sign in to your account at and do the following.

Add the address to your contacts

Add the email address that is sending you email (eg to your Gmail Contacts. Google will usually deliver email from addresses that are in your Contacts.

Mark messages as ‘Not spam’

If Gmail has marked emails you wish to whitelist as spam, tell Gmail the emails are not spam.

  1. In Gmail, navigate to the spam folder.
  2. Search for emails containing the domain you wish to whitelist (eg
  3. Select all the emails shown.
  4. Click More and then Not spam.

Create a filter for the address

Create a filter to tell Google to whitelist email from a domain.

  1. Click the cog icon in the top-right corner, and then Settings
  2. Click on Filters and then Create a new filter
  3. Either
    • enter the domain of the email you want to whitelist in the From field or
  4. Click Create filter with this search
  5. In the box headed When a message arrives that matches this search select Never send it to spam
  6. Click the Create filter button



To whitelist all email from a domain, enter the domain in the From field


To whitelist an online group, enter the group email address in the To field


  • Do not enter email addresses in both the From and To fields as Gmail will only filter in emails that meet both criteria
  • In both the From and To fields, you can enter either a specific email address or an entire domain
  • To enter multiple domains in each field separate them with OR as in “ OR”

See also Google’s help on Legitimate mail is marked as spam.

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